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"Rose of Sharon"

by Shelly Bedsaul

Surrealism Art Gallery

Art: Rose of Sharon by Artist Shelly Bedsaul
She's at an emotional, spiritual crossroad. The institutions of her culture has let her down. Her rebellion against them has left her world in ruins. Through the death of her beliefs, comes wisdom. Although her experiences have knocked her to her knees, she still searches. She is strong. Beyond the devastation is the moon, inconstant, ever-changing, yet always rising, a symbol of hope and of life. Within days of completing this piece, I was introduced to Buddhism. I use Prismacolor colored pencils for my medium for their intensity of color. I layered a variety of shades from dark to light till the color is solid and burnished. It's time consuming, about an hour per square inch, but to me the precision and control is worth it.

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