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by Jasmine Ann Becket-Griffith

Steampunk Art Gallery

Art: facesoffaery183finished.jpg by Artist Jasmine Ann Becket-Griffith
Faces of Faery #183

**This was the result of one of my "Custom Painting Auctions" - the customer won the unfinished painting - Brena - was the lady who had me run the voting poll last week to determine what theme to go with, and "steampunk" was the winner!

I fit a lot of steampunkery in this one, airships, mechanical dragonfly, goggles, gears, etc. - a lot of stuff going on for a 6" square painting!

©Jasmine Becket-Griffith

to see any currently available paintings for sale in the "Faces of Faery" series (including often the opportunity to bid on your OWN custom Faces of Faery painting), click below:

If you want to order a PRINT of any of these, you can NOW order them immediately on eBay from my assistant/brother-in-law Chris at Magical_Figurines! They are only $13.99 and are SIGNED by ME on the back. Chris will ship ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Browse through the Faces of Faery prints here:

Detail Image

Detail Image for art facesoffaery183finished.jpg



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