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Spring Bouquet

by So Jeo LeBlond

Pysanky Eggs Art Gallery

Art: Spring Bouquet by Artist So Jeo LeBlond
This beautiful Pysanka was lovingly created in the traditional batik wax and dye process on a real blown
turkey egg. It is sealed with a coat of archival, industrial grade UV resistant, crystal clear finish and measure approximately 3 1/4" tall.

The design is of a pretty Spring bouquet of flowers and pussy willows, surrounded by an intricate band of circles, featuring stars and oak leaves. The egg is a lavender / periwinkle hue with some blue tones

The process begins by meticulously drawing out the design in pencil before it goes through a process of waxing and dyeing. Etching technique is used to create the raised borders and create a three dimensional effect.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Spring Bouquet


Detail Image for art Spring Bouquet



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