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by Misty Monster

Paintings Watermedia Art Gallery

Art: Amalthea by Artist Misty Monster
Amalthea evolved out of multiple inspirations. At the time,I was looking at contemporary Indian artwork and had stumbled across Anjolie Ela Menon. The sadness in her pieces inspired me to create Amalthea. I was also interested in entering the 25th Anniversary contest for ElfQuest whose characters live on the world of two moons, have four fingers, and pointy ears. I submitted the slogan, "Two moons, four fingers, 25 years." Of course, Amalthea doesn't appear Indian art inspired, nor does she look like an ElfQuest character. She is my technospace elf who looks more peaceful than sad. Amazing how a piece starts down one road and ends up on another planet. She is what she is...Amalthea.


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