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Tantric Bliss

by Nadean O'Brien

Paintings Oils Acrylics Art Gallery

Art: Tantric Bliss by Artist Nadean O'Brien
"Tantric Bliss" portrays the feelings of happiness, joy and ecstasy that the practice of Tantric Kriya Yoga brings to everyday experiences. Meditation on a mandala replaces the habitually dulled way we see the world with radiant colors, beautiful forms and divine images.

The indigo blue field inside the palace gates denotes all-encompassing wisdom and detachment from the mundane, and is a striking contrast to the bright gold of the guardian cobras symbolic of awakened consciousness. The deities of the temple residing in a luxuriant garden depict a New Eden in which masculine (method) and feminine (wisdom) principles are balanced and living in harmony.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Tantric Bliss

The Lotus Temple


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