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by Nadean O'Brien

Paintings Oils Acrylics Art Gallery

Art: Pandala by Artist Nadean O'Brien
"Pandala" is a celebration of passionate enlightenment, the sacred joining of spirituality and sexuality, which is a seemingly irreconcilable conflict plaguing many of us on the path to higher consciousness. In Tantra (often defined as a loom or weaving together), it is possible to bring together such polarities when we recognize that ultimately there is no duality, only oneness.

"Pandala" is a perfect universe that we can enter in meditation, where the guardian pandas (amazing creatures of fascination and passion) provide a protected space in which to begin inner healing. In loving service to the deities is a magnificent green dragon, which in the Orient represents the positive aspects of primal energy and the powerful union of matter and spirit.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Pandala



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