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Light On The River

by Carol Thompson

Nautical Marine Art Gallery

Art: Light On The River by Artist Carol Thompson

"The small lighthouse at the mouth of the Coquille River, near Bandon, Oregon, makes a large presence against a hazy sky.  Though not in actual use as an aid to navigation, she is viewed by multitudes of tourists year 'round." 

Artist comment:  "This view of the Coquille River Lighthouse at Bandon Oregon is from the south bank of the river looking north.  On a sheet of hot-pressed 140# watercolor paper, I chose gouache as my medium to portray with detail the soft beauty of the diminutive building in the warmth of a summer day.  The simple composition lends itself to the stark loneliness of the setting.  Not even the raucous seagulls disturb the stillness of the scene.  A full tide from the ocean makes hardly a disturbance on the surface of the river." 


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