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Ride 'em Cowdog

by Paula J. Nelson

Mosaics Art Gallery

Art: Ride 'em Cowdog by Artist Paula J. Nelson
The coat of a cow is perfect for a costume...

Behold Sully. At 20-months, he is a juvenile jester in denial. A vocal commentator on his world and his companions. Proud to be who he is: a Rottweiler, complete with tail - and best of all, patient and adoring of, and for, his person.

Dogs get dressed up by their children every day. From simple bandana to full regalia. Sully, however, has been dressed up as a benevolent bovine to represent his birth state of Wisconsin.

If he knew, it would probably be much to his disgust.

He would rather be portrayed [I am sure] as Hannibal crossing the Alps, complete with elephant. But, then again, it is possible that he would not even care - because attention is everything.

Mosaic composed of art glass, vitreous glass, unglazed porcelain, millefiori, German glass jewels and gold leaf on MDF with six colours of grout.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Ride 'em Cowdog

Face detail

Detail Image for art Ride 'em Cowdog

Costume udder detail


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