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Peacock Bistro Table

by Dorothy Edwards

Mosaics Art Gallery

Art: Peacock Bistro Table by Artist Dorothy Edwards
This substrate was one of two bistro style tables I purchased from Monster Those of us who are mosaic artists know how much "stuff" we acquire over the years. In this case, I had acquired a peacock tile. The peacock tile is signed by an artist that I can't make out the signature.

Ok - so I have a peacock tile that is big enough and beautiful enough that I can't bring myself to break it up. And now I have a bistro table. And since the fates were smiling, I had plain ceramic tiles that matched.

This table is more of a craft style table than the art heart table, but that is what I felt suited it. Plus, it's pretty. Enough said.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Peacock Bistro Table


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