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Hanging Cone Lamps

by Dorothy Edwards

Mosaics Art Gallery

Art: Hanging Cone Lamps by Artist Dorothy Edwards
As I mentioned in my confetti lamp narrative, I have been working with translucent glass and light. These 3 lamps were one of my more colorful accomplishments.

When I first started, I was thinking, "O my word, these look like candy corn." But, as they developed, they took on a different look.

I used a rainbow of translucent glass on hanglng plug-in cone shaped frosted lamps. I was thrilled to find hanging lamps with a plug-in cord. I don't like to work with things that would require wiring. I don't wanna get zapped. <>p End results: Some darn good looking hanging lamps.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Hanging Cone Lamps

Detail Image for art Hanging Cone Lamps


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