Then brass wire was strung with glass beads of many colors and attached to the bridge as well as swirled around the entire guitar.
Written on the sides of the guitar, there is a quote from the Holy Bible, book of Ephesians. Ephesians 5:19 reads, "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord. I sat this quote in front of me for inspiration while I was working on this.
Once glass was applied, the words became indistinct in places. To accent the words, or make them be seen more readily from under the glass, I went over the glass with an etcher.
Like what you see? I love to make these and would enjoy working for you. Please email me or leave a voice mail messag for more information. 916-802-5238
This piece was donated to the KVIE-PBS Silver Anniversary Art Auction along with four other artist's pieces from Phoenix Gallery & Framing. This piece raised $550 for PBS!!!
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