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by So Jeo LeBlond

Folk Art Gallery

Art: Rushnyk by Artist So Jeo LeBlond
This beautiful Rushnyk design originally came from another artist Mary Trach-Holadyk. Her original art cards are produced from watercolour paintings and they are just wonderful to behold!

Her website is, please go see them and check them out!

This egg was ordered as a gift to her from her loving daughter and I was very honoured to be the one chosen to create it. I am also very thankful that she has generously allowed me to use this design on future eggs.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Rushnyk

2014-02-15 03.32.17.jpg

Detail Image for art Rushnyk

2014-02-15 03.33.01.jpg

Detail Image for art Rushnyk

2014-02-15 03.33.30.jpg


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