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King of Pentacles from the Morbidly Adorable Tarot

by Misty Monster

Fantasy Sci Fi Art Gallery

Art: King of Pentacles from the Morbidly Adorable Tarot by Artist Misty Monster
Meet the King of Pentacles from the Morbidly Adorable Tarot! The King is about prosperity, abundance, and security. The donkey is a dedicated worker who, like the King of Pentacles, manifests riches through his efforts.

I really wanted to empower the underrated donkey through his association with Hephaestus, a completely underrated God of the Greek pantheon. He is the God of blacksmiths, artisans and artists, and fire. Though he would have been a strong King of Wands due to his fire element, I was more interested in his work ethic and employment of earth metals. He seems to be one of the only Gods with a job! Hephaestus created an abundance of weaponry and wonders for the Olympians. Some of my favorites were Hermes' winged helmet and sandals, Achilles' armor, Eros's bow and arrows, gold and silver dogs, and he even made the first woman, Pandora herself. He was a creator and provider. The donkey is known as a "beast of burden" as his labors benefit man. What if he applied those labors to his own life?

16"x20" Original Painting:



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