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Second Chance

by Mary Ogle

Digital Art Gallery

Art: Second Chance by Artist Mary Ogle
The Mater series was created for use in a multimedia production of Mater in Memoriam: For Irene a requiem for women's voices that was performed in Ventura, CA on June 21, 2003.

Mater was composed by Naomi Stephan in honor of her mother, with lyrics by Sue Moore.

from the composer's notes: Don't we all wish we had just another chance to say something to our mother or departed loved one? This piece explores that dream -- to see her again, to express my love and receive her approval. Another chance for a proper exchange. Listen for the piano as it reflects dreamy and defiant moods.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Second Chance

Detail Image for art Second Chance

Detail Image for art Second Chance


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