![Art: Rip of Steven King's droplets by Artist Carolyn Schiffhouer](https://art.ebsqart.com/Art/Show-Gallery-for-Carolyn/digital/195898/650/650/Rip-of-Steven-Kings-droplets.jpg)
This is a rip of an abstract by Steven King. It took me a long time to come up with one that I wanted to do and felt I could pull off. This one just kept begging me to try it. I used a clover leaf with water to form the droplet.
Detail Image
![Detail Image for art Rip of Steven King's droplets Detail Image for art Rip of Steven King's droplets](https://art.ebsqart.com/Art/Show-Gallery-for-Carolyn/digital/195899/300/300/Stevens-Droplets.jpg)
Steven's Droplets
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