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Fairy Hair # 1 in Fae series

by Emily J White

Collage Art Gallery

Art: Fairy Hair # 1 in Fae series by Artist Emily J White
I hate to waste...I sew and use a lot of really nice fabrics...but i find sometimes there are so many scraps. I really love the way fabric frays over time, i think it is sincerely romantic, and i am not a romantic person. Anyhow, as much as i hate to waste, i love i figured i would put all my scraps to good use. This piece just kind of came together, and was a lot of fun to make. It is based on Strathmore Bristol with many layers of fabric (lots of silk and sparkles too!) feathers, paint, and string among other stuff...tiny little faeries are caught in this fae's hair...or maybe they are her travelling companions? Quite detailed. Varnished well for protection. Personally signed and dated on the back, with title, series name and stamp of authenticity.(any text is on the scan only and not the original art).


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