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Shelly Bedsaul

Artist's Profile

Shelly Bedsaul believes with practice, research, experimentation and desire, one can teach themselves to create. All obstacles can be overcome with a no fear attitude. To not try is the only failure that can keep one from reaching a goal. It's a formula that has proved successful for her in art and in life.

Shelly draws inspiration from music, spirituality and the human condition. Her images often have two meanings, the first, a simple visual, the second, symbols of inner thoughts, mood and soul. Color and defined spaces are the uniting factors in her work. She paints in oil, acrylic, colored pencil and block printing, recently adding digital photography to her list. Her styles run from realist to abstract. If there is an infinite number of things to see, there must be an infinite number of ways to record it.

"Art really has nothing to do with talent. You can have all the talent in the world, but if not used what good is it. The drive to create has more to do with an obsessive, compulsive nature, than talent. It's something you HAVE to do. It helps if you love it." Shelly has had the good fortune to adapt her OCD as a forensic artist, graphic designer, picture framer and cast member of the "Left Brain Show", a comedy video project by Leonardo Taglialavore. 2007 will be her first year as a full time artist.

Shelly was born a "navy brat" in 1953. It's a heritage of which she is very proud. She now makes her home in Topeka, KS, close to her mother who is also a skilled artist. Her work can be found in private collections across the country.

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