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Marcia Baldwin

Artist's Profile

My name is Marcia Baldwin and I am a full time professional artist specializing in Oil Paintings. I love large formats and brilliant color. My true passion is color theory and design and how compositions can play an emotional role in the viewer.

Art has always been a passion of mine. I knew from a very early age that art was going to be a strong influence in my life and that I wanted to know as much about art as I could possibly learn. I still strive to learn something new every day. It takes practice and patience to be a full time artist and I am finally able to devote one hundred percent of my professional life to my studio work.

After many years working in and around art, making a living as an advertising designer, art teacher, art consultant, photographic artisan and many other niches, I finally opened my art studio to the dedication of purely fine art. I am a trained artist, receiving a BFA and a MFA in the seventies and eighties, respectively. I loved the years I put forth to formal art training. It is invigorating to be around people with that same passion to learning and exploring the creative and problem solving side of your personality. The people who share this passion greatly influence your thought patterns about your art work. It is really great to see the different outcomes from the various people when working on a creative project. We are all looking at the same thing, painting or sculpting or drawing, but each individual will see it a little different and the creation of beautiful works, each individually unique. It is truly amazing.

For myself, I love oil painting. I love animals and flowers and nature itself. I believe that I was given a talent by God to share His beauty about the world through the use of paint and canvas. I try to relate the love of nature and His Blessings through my art. I hope that the collectors of my work can be touched in some way to Stop and Smell the Roses for a moment and reflect on the joy and beauty that has been given to us each day.

I live in a very beautiful state, working and living on the shores of a lake surrounded by huge tall pine trees and stately southern live oaks. Nature is bountiful. Foxes play and romp across my front lawn. Squirrels and birds hop from one feeder to the next. Wildflowers and flowering trees such as redbuds and dogwood are a blanket of beauty through undergrowth among the trees. It is truly a blessing that I have been given this time to work in my art studio and be surrounded with this serenity. I hope that the passion I have for art and the passion I have to share natures beauty is reflected in my work.

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