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Sonya Paz

Artist's Interview

How long have you been creating ?
I have been admiring the brush since old enough to write my name, I felt the need for expression came at an early age. I feel that I have ventured and experienced several of the mediums out there, charcoal, pencils, ceramic, oils, mixed media, acrylic, pastels, watercolors and more....My choice of subject matter and style that I create presently makes me the happiest, I create artwork that "I like" it satisfies me, that is priority one. With this outlook in mind, it's development is going on two years.
What other artists and movements inform your work?
I am a huge admirer of the whole pop art movement, from Peter Max, Andy Warhol, Romero Britto, Keith Haring to the folks who pushed the envelope back when cubism evolved with Picasso and Braque along with the surrealism that Dali created, they really put themselves out there, creating differently. I will "color outside the lines" per se, push the limits and dare to create differently.
How would you describe your work?
My art is a direct reflection of myself. High energy, passionate, surrealistically funky, with a slight twist of abstract cubism, romantic sassy and a lot of lighthearted fun.
What are your motivations for creating?
Over accumulative elements inside my brain feel the need for ultimate escape. These creative thoughts get released mostly by my over stimulated imagination and lack of sleep! The one things that I am adamant about if that if I sit down to create artwork, it gets completed in that specific timeframe or sitting. I know ahead of time what needs to be done, unless it's a huge commission or something of large size scale, it gets completed from start to finish in that time frame. I am usually very hard on myself when it comes to this. This has caused me to be very disciplined in my work and my thought process will not become interrupted.
How, if at all, have the events of 9-11 impacted your art making?
I think the overall changes that our world endures on a daily basis makes me realize that sweating the small stuff is unnecessary. Being happy and taking it one day at a time is a positive approach.
What do you find stimulating right now? How does this influence your creative process?
Food. Always food. It's an art form of it's own, especially desserts. Wine, fruit and the cooking channel also make for a nice "palette" of interesting colors and blends. I also admire architecture, the shapes of buildings and the lines that are incorporated. The area in which I live in has a vast array of wonderful architecture, I can get many ideas from driving across town.
You have been with EBSQ since its impetus. how do you feel about its growth? and has being involved had an impact on your work?
For me the word impetus, sums up how I feel about the growth of the EBSQ: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ im·pe·tus Function: noun Definition: a driving force : IMPULSE (2) : INCENTIVE, STIMULUS b :stimulation or encouragement resulting in increased activity ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I encourage and evangelize the EBSQ . It's evolution is a huge milestone for artists selling on-line. John Seed and his will to make this a wonderful positive environment had proved positive. I am very happy to be a member of the EBSQ. I wouldn't have it any other way, I also see that there is something to be said here, John and the EBSQ worked with eBay to get our own category "Self Representing Artists". I have seen many come and go, I am very loyal and see where these grass roots started. Something to truly behold and be proud of.
Tell me about some upcoming projects.
I have a number of local showings coming up here in the San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area. I have a few showings locally at coffee house cafe galleries, The Raku Gallery in Napa Valley, Concannon Vineyards in Livermore. The Silicon Valley Open Studios is coming up in April 2002 and I will be hosting my work out of my house. I also have one of my sharks on loan to Adobe Systems, Inc., in downtown San Jose. This is on temporary display until the March 2nd auction being held at the San Jose Convention Center.
You are a professional, a mother, and active showing work locally as well as on eBay. how do you find a balance between all of these roles?
I have thought about this question long and hard.... I really do not know how I balance it. I know what I need to do for my family and my professional career, spending time with friends and family, painting and (trying) to relax. Not too sure if I just manage my time well or just make the best time of it when I can't sleep :o).
What would you like your fellow EBSQ artists and collectors to know about you and or your work?
I am a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). I have a complex thought process I think because I use all facets of my brain constantly. I try to be as professional as possible when creating my art as well as communicating with my peers and customers. I try to be fair and I am very loyal to those I come into contact with.

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