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Loredana Mariotto

Artist's Profile

Hi, my name is Loredana Mariotto and I am an Italian lady, living near Torino, the North-West side of Italy. I studied as a geometry surveyor (a little less than an architect), after I ended my studies I worked for 15 years in the computer aided design and computer developement in different important factory here in Italy. Due to my 2 young sons I decided to stop working and I started to grow my passion for watercolors. In the first years , being a self-taught painter, I had not much possibility to develop my real talent. Now that my sons are older I can spend more time with paints and brushes, putting all my artistic passion in my art-work . Since 4 years I'm a student in a watercolour course at our local University under the supervision of a famous painter. Painting has been in my blood since ever also if it’s been a dream for a long time. I bring my camera always with me as to be able to stop in any moment and take inspiration from any subject I meet. People, landscapes, still-life, little animals everything is a good subject that I can translate onto the paper. The Macchiaioli and the great Impressionist's painters are my favourite masters, but I appreciate many different kind of painting’s styles. Normally I paint in medium sizes, with e-bay I started creating ACEO (2.5x3.5 inches) that made me appreciate how even more complicated it is to achieve accuracy in a smaller format. My buyers are allover the world and I enjoy to paint also on request! Thank you for your time and interest in my work :-)

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