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Keila Diana Sone

Artist's Profile

Keila began experimenting with the use of geometric shapes in presenting portraiture. By studying the work of graffiti artists in New York City. Primarily focusing on creating a sense of space and perspective, She began to incorporate both the knowledge she has learned from her early studies and the newer experimental techniques of the graffiti artists, by employing both acrylic and mix-media to create a more rich and expressive piece. Using fragments of dreams and music, Keila's paintings are intended primarily to express mood and emotion through the art of space creation and perspective. She works toward developing her style of adstractscape of finding new and intriguing ways to use perspective and texture to create an Architecture of Emotion.

Artist Statement

My work is a fusion of my American experiences and Dominican heritage. What is consistent in my paintings is that in each one I try to capture motion and explore different possibilities. My abstract paintings are a direct reflection of my life. They depict the loves, lost loves, triumphs and disappointments. They are the poignant moments of my life's journey...

"My art is a bit of Abstract Expression and Pop Art..."

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