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Robin Cruz McGee

Artist's Profile

I can never remember a time when I did not know I was an artist. Yet, for many years I believed I would earn my living elsewhere. After time spent in those other avenues, I eventually came back around to pick that thing I had kept only for special occasions and became an artist.

Although I have spent the last twenty years of being an artist teaching as my primary emphasis, I find the production of my own work becoming more important to me. I've discovered I want more.

So, about my work. Lately, the focus has narrowed to Repoussé and Chasing. I love metal because it is so malleable. Taking a sheet of copper and distorting and stretching it into a three dimensions is immensely satisfying to me. Even adding details to a flat surface with chisels and punches I find fascinating and fulfilling. The work requires patience and practice but I enjoy the challenge.

I like texture, patinas and surfaces rich in detail. I feel shiny surfaces have their place and usually that place is to contrast with and accentuate the other surfaces.

I have always been drawn to the landscape. Much of my work is about the landscape, that which we see and that which we imagine.

The other area of interest is botanical work which has been finding its way into my repoussé. Flowers, leaves, sticks, and twigs provide a multitude of surfaces and form useful to composition. The possibilities are never ending and ubiquitous. I get the chance to stretch myself along with the metal, a chance to grow along with my work. With all the recent upheavals in my life, it is good to settle and find my course again.

I hope you discover something about my work that strikes a resonant note. If you see something that you might want to purchase, please look at my etsy store at or email me directly using the envelope button above.

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