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Art Show: Reinterpreting Children’s Art

Prospectus and Entry Instructions

Exhibit Entries accepted from 5/1/2009 to 5/31/2009.

Banner for Reinterpreting Children’s Art art show


Children’s art is a fixture on refrigerators, school bulletin boards and Mother’s Day cards. The subject matter is wide and vast – from rocket ships to the family pets to butterflies and flowers. It is these works of art that are the inspiration for this show. It is simple, really. Take a piece of art created by a child and reinterpret it in your style.

Here are the guidelines: Recreate a child’s work. As this is show is about reinterpretation, do it in the manner that you would create a piece of art now, not as if you were a child yourself. The piece you choose is your inspiration, a child’s concept as seen through the mind and eye of an adult. The piece should be distinctly your own.

Please be sure to include the piece of child’s art you used as your reference, who the child is, and their relationship to you. For example - your son or daughter, a friend or even something you did as a child.

Reinterpretation is open to any and all media.

We strongly recommend all artists include a statement with each entry, as statements can enhance the experience for the online viewer. If the relevance of an entry to the show's theme is not readily apparent, we will request that the artist supply a short statement of explanation. We also encourage you to include detail shots of your entries. This will allow the viewer to full appreciate your work as small details can be lost in an online environment.

Eligible entries must meet all points of the prospectus. If you have any questions regarding the prospectus and its requirements, please send them to

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