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Art Show: Unmentionables:The Underwear Show

Prospectus and Entry Instructions

Exhibit Entries accepted from 5/1/2008 to 5/31/2008.

Banner for Unmentionables:The Underwear Show art show


“I see London, I see France, I can see your underpants.” Or bra or undershirt or slip or boxers or… maybe you can see where this is heading – this show is about underwear. Why a show about, of all things, underwear? Simple, as the above rhyme illustrates, we seem to be fascinated with underwear. Granted, little boys no longer eagerly await for the Sears catalog to arrive so they can ogle the girls in girdles and no one minds washing their unmentionables at the Laundromat anymore. Saturation from ads and catalogs has removed some of the risqué from underwear but there is no way to completely strip it of it’s naughty patina – all we have done is added practical and everyday to it’s public persona, though the right presentation can always amp up the heat.

Whether you call them BVD’s, skivvies, foundation garments or lingerie, it matters not. There is a history that goes along with our underwear. In underwear, we can see a bit of the history of our societies, our cultures and our personal development. It doesn't matter whether your entry is about charging friends 50 cents to see your sister’s underwear, that first training bra, the under attire of the middle ages or the vast and varied world of modern undergarments. It doesn't matter if you entry is a drawing, a sculpture, or an actual garment, just show us your underwear. We want to see...

Any and all materials may be used to create your entry. An artist's statement is required with every entry. This statement should include information about your underwear and why you chose it. Tell us about the materials and process you used to create your entry and something about why you chose to represent your subject in the manner or media that you did. Your statement is an important element in presenting your work online and helps make your work more accessible for the viewer. If texture or other small elements may be pivotal to the piece, detail shots are encouraged. Eligible entries need to meet all points of the prospectus. If you have any questions regarding the prospectus and its requirements, please send them to

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